Sunday 10 November 2013


After the short scene in which the angelic beast is attacked by a larger monster, you find yourself in front of the dark cathedral. First, follow the road to the right, down to the lowest level and retrieve the contents of the safe. Then go back and observe the three metal doors to the cathedral. The first door on the right will find Vulgrim. Make your purchases, ignore the left and follow the middle to enter the cathedral.

Go ahead, turn right near the statue and get a sword Crystal. Continue down the hall to the back door and locate the two statues on the right and left. Place the crystal sword on the one on the right, open the door and enter.

Go straight, cross the lava and open the door wide to the right. Enter the courtyard, eliminate all the enemies out of the way and open the door. Go ahead, take a tumor bomb, throw it on the red gems that block the road and wait until it explodes. Then take the souls of health in the trunk and enter. Now hover over the lava, climb on the edges of the wall and reach the elevated section. Before taking the right input, grab the Rage ability in the chest and back. Open the door at the bottom and reach the ledge. Come on, get a card in the box located in front of the statue and open the door at the other end of the balcony. Collect souls in the trunk, retrace your steps to the statue of the balcony and push to create a hole in the yard.

Go down the hole, make a hover over the lava and finish the two enemies in front. Climb onto the edges of the wall on the right, you move to the left and locate the artifact in the air. Hold on to the upper part of the tumor demon, jump and glide to the artifact to enter it. Then remove the two creatures hover over lava. Follow the path to the door, open it and finish the four monsters that are behind. Take the key to the observer in the trunk and made ​​backtrack to the court where the blue spectrum.

Use the key to the observer to remove the blue spectrum, enter and prepare to face the guardian of the cathedral. Perform powerful combos, block his attacks and perform capacity Wrath if you have the opportunity. If your health meter is half empty, there is a chest full of souls right health of the arena. Continue your attacks, dodge his own and shoot the guard.

Once it is completed, collect the souls in the second box and the crystal sword up the stairs. Then do backtrack and enter the door that is left in the yard. Return to the main hall where the statue suspended and approach the door at the north. Place the crystal sword on the statue to the right to unlock the door and enter.

Advance in the arena, watching the crystal sword in the alcove to the right and locate the monster guard on the roof. If you approach, you will be devoured. Therefore, take a tumor near the lava bomb, shoot the monster and throw it to push for a few moments. At this point, spin quickly to recover the sword and get ready to face a guard and several other enemies.

Once the passages are clear, approach the statue to the north, place the crystal sword and enter the door. In this place, find the current shadow left, look at the top right and locate an artifact. Jump on the current shadow, make a glide to the artifact and enter it. Then, repeat the same thing and jump left to get through the next door.

Climb onto the edges of the wall, you move left and go down the other side. Move the pedestal to make it down to the lower court and get your turn. Move it back to the wall and use it to reach the edges. Replace the balcony above, enter through the right door and up the steps. Defeat the monster that is left, take a tumor bomb and throw it on the beast hanging from the roof.

Then, go down the hole that has just been created and follow the underground corridor. Eliminate the enemies along the way, go ahead and reach another arena.

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