Sunday 10 November 2013


Now go back and turn right just after the bridge. Proceed to the intersection, ignore the first path on the left and continue straight. Enter the ruined building on your right, grab the contents of the chest and return to the path that you ignored earlier. Shoot the flames and the bomb on the rock, throw the boomerang and thus clear the way.

Enter, go down the tunnel and eliminate the enemies that appear to continue the road. Advance to the fan room, jump on the left side of the propeller and enter the door. Kill the two monsters, pull the lever and return to the propeller, which is now in rotation. Wait for the right moment, follow the entrance to the West and eliminate other monsters on the way.

password submerged

First go straight and get in the water, watching the waterfall behind you (north), go through the water curtain and get an artifact inside. Next, locate the two structures that are in the middle of the water and reach the one to the north. Enter the building through a hole in the water, climb the stairs and get overwhelmed another artifact at the bottom.

Now get out, swim to the southwest and near the ancient door. Use the horn earth to awaken and prepare to remove the curse.

Locate the four points on the map, reach them and enter the teleporter to begin the challenge. First enter a tunnel, eliminate enemies and enter the teleporter to begin the first challenge.


You must eliminate five enemies who carry out only against attacks. To do this, wait for the moment when the enemy makes an attack and press and hold the attack against-pressed to make a combo against attack. Repeat this method five times before the time runs out and so finish off this challenge. After this challenge, locate a ruined building in the middle of the lake and join it. Climb to the top floor and take the teleporter.

Wrath of War

The goal is simple. First fill the gauge Chaos performing long combos take the Chaotic as soon as possible and eliminate 30 enemies before the time runs out. Be quick when you have the chaotic form as the gauge empties As time. When you are in the form of war, focus on the little monsters to fill the gauge and when you have the chaotic form, you acharnez mainly on larger to eliminate quickly.

After the second challenge, continue north and find the next teleporter at the bottom of the water.


Your goal is to defend allies and monsters to keep at least one of them alive until the time runs out. To do this, you attack the enemies and take the chaotic form as soon as the opportunity arises to remove several at the same time. You focus mainly on the larger monsters. Now go to the north and find the next teleporter accessing a passage under the water.

A world of pain

In this challenge, your goal is to get 15 kills with improvised weapons such as cars and this before the time runs out. Once all the challenges are done, go back to the ancient door and use the horn to summon again. Then enter the tunnel and continue left. Go through a hole in the water, remove the fish and monsters come out the other side.

Climb the demonic tumor right, hang suspended in the middle of the cable tunnel and cross the gap. Now, first take the left path to find Vulgrim, make purchases and take back the opposite way.

Ford Anvil

Enter the courtyard, find the hammer in the middle and try to take it. A scene occurs, Ulthane appears and you are faced with it. The swords are ineffective against this enemy, the only way to attack is to first take the chaotic form. But before that, fill the gauge Chaos making some combos followed by a quick dodge or throwing it over different projectiles like cars.

After attack, a scene triggers and you are assailed by angels. Ulthane starts to your sides and fights against them.

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