Wednesday 19 December 2012

Confusion Chapter 1

After the cutscene at the beginning, you play as War, one of the knights of the Apocalypse and you end up in the streets of New York. Once you have control of the character, the first battle is triggered. Start by familiarizing yourself with the controls, attack the little demons who come and read the instructions that appear.

After the completion of some monsters, press the keys that appear on the screen and transform into demonic dragon. Tackle the biggest monster, kill it and go south. Follow the road to the right, go forward until you see flying angels and shoot them. You find your first appearance, walk straight to the corner and face flying angels and demons. Once the area is secure, roots appear strange demonic called tumor. Climb them and reach the roof. Then use the cable to pass through to the roof and jump on the next demonic following tumor. Press Attack when you climb the tumor and thus eliminate the monsters that are attacking you.

Now that you are on the roof, enter the next room and eliminate the demons coming out of the way. Then, follow the path and go to cable. Use it to go down, go left and battle the flying monsters. Then follow the road to the right and one that leads to the left and get ready to face your first boss.

Boss: Straga

Straga has two types of attacks. In the first attack, he gives a fist into the ground and triggers a beam of lava hits you. Dodge this current drive to the right or left. In the second, he pulls vehicle wash basin and throws you. Also run left or right and avoids the attack. Then, take the vehicle that you start, aim and throw him on the back.Once he is stunned after two vehicles launched, approach his head and make a combo to inflict damage. Repeat this technique two or three times until a key appears on the monster's head and pressed him to puncture the eye. Subsequently a scene triggers and you find yourself in hell.

Ardent Council

When you regain control of War, climb the stairs to the right and get your legendary sword (the absorber Chaos). Then, enter the pause menu, set the capacity of Wrath then climb the stairs to the left. Absorb the souls and leave the board. Note that in future battles, each attack button allows you to absorb souls very precise.

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