Sunday 10 November 2013


First, target the Chronosphere top right and throw the boomerang to slow down time. Quickly cross the sand, up the slope in front and walk to the intersection. First up the slope to retrieve the souls in the trunk then down and cling to the demonic tumors and down from right

You still can see the worm in the sand. Move right, run on the boardwalk and on the left. Take the first entrance on the left, climb the demonic tumor and cross to the other side. Down on the bridge, activate the lever to lower the chromosphere and return to the starting point. Activate the Chronosphere to slow down time, cross the sand and reach the slope further.

Up the slope, eliminate the enemies coming and follow the rocky path. Hover over the sand to keep moving forward, eliminate other monsters and fly to the next machine.

Now, move to the right of the bridge and climb the demonic tumor. Remove the monster, turn the lever to lower the Chronosphere and down. Then, approach the entrance, select the Chronosphere, climb to the tumor to the left of the entrance and quickly cross to the other side. Complete the monster that happens, glide to the right tumor and demonic advance.

Bypass the following machine following the right path, locate the current shadow and use it to glide to the next gateway. Come, join us on the tumor that is outside and fight a wave of enemies in order to continue the quest. Once the area is secure, turn the lever to raise the Chronosphere then operate it. Take a tumor bomb down quickly and throw it on the fire gems before it explodes.

Then go back and pull the lever to lower the Chronosphere on the lower level. Come down, slow down time and climb to cross the tumor on the right side. Then go out and climb those of the left wall.

Move left, pass the entrance to the right and grab the contents of the safe. Then come back, cross the bridge and reach the next drill. Eliminate the monsters, pull the lever and go down to the lower level. Slow time, climb to tumors and cross to the right. Exit, go right on the bridge and climb other tumors on the wall to reach the top of the drill. Finally, turn the lever to stop the machine and go down the hole just appear.

Now swim to the bottom of the water and recover Artifact. Then swim to the east and follow the path to the big tunnel.

First, go left and destroy gems in order to detect an ice block. Then move it to the first gooey monster ceiling he hoisted. Hit the monster he releases the cube and hang onto it. Wait until he falls again, jump and glide to the left to reach the ice gems.

Destroy them, select the Chronosphere and quickly cross the sand to the other section of the road. Go straight, use the current shade and get a Shard of life. Then, go back, re-Chronosphere and run to the cellar which is right up the road.

Now, go in the basement, take a tumor bomb and throw it on the inert bombs are the ceiling of the court. Then activate the Chronosphere to exit the cave and fight the angels. Finally, jump on the platform after the explosion fell and jump on the left ledge to enter another cave. Swim straight to the tumor and demonic climb over to get out of the tunnel.

Follow the walkway to the right, open the chest of souls then come back and go to the West. By accessing the next area, you are attacked by multiple enemies. Complete them, up the slope and fight other monsters on the way. Keep going until the rocks crumble, continue downhill and reach a large area of ​​sand.

Pay attention to the worm moves in the sand, wait until it moves away from you and move quickly to the platforms. Watch the movement of the monster, expect when it is far away and advance to the next cave.


Now go north, destroy gems ice and enter the tunnel. Continue left, collect souls in a safe yet left then go right. Follow the path of the road to the right, destroy the ice gems and enter.

Now, pull the lever, quickly hit the Chronosphere with the boomerang and quickly whisked away to the door of the tunnel before it closes. Move, remove the monster fire and retrieve the contents of the chest at the bottom. Climb the stairs to your right, open another chest and climb to the edges of the wall. Reassemble, jump on the rails in front of the wall and look behind you (right) to retrieve an artifact. Then enter the tunnel and reach the dry road.

The road dried

Down the slope, remove some bats and join the road. Go ahead, shoot angels and monsters. Then go first to the west, down the slope and continue south. Explore the area south-west, collect souls in the safe, and a Shard Artifact. Then, go back slightly and glide to a cave on the other side of the ravine to discover a circle Vulgrim. Then retrace your steps, use the demonic tumor to return near the slope and this time go north.

To the country from the ashes.

Enter into a large tunnel, remove the big monster happens and move on. Locate a great hanging in the mouth of a slimy monster cube, shoot the monster with the gun and hang on to the ledge on the left. Wait until the monster goes cube, hover left and get better Carnage in the trunk. Then, repeat the same operation for you to hang this time on the right side of the cube. Jump to the right and throw a bomb on the tumor red gems later. Jump into the void and you hang glide to the ledge. Move to the left and enter the pipe. Move to the other side, throw the boomerang at the same time on three bugs on the ceiling, hang the cable in the middle and move quickly to the left. Jump on the evil tumor, move to the right, go up and jump on the second tumor on the right. Follow the path until you reach the tumor and enter the tunnel. 

Exit through the debris left, follow the road behind you, destroy the ice gems and get a Shard in the chest. Thereafter, follow the path of the great tunnel, locate an entry on the left and discover a circle Vulgrim inside. Finally, exit and follow the path to reach the country from the ashes.


Now enter the teleporter and return to Ulthane. This gives you a gun Mercy. Get out of his house, enter the sewer pipe to the south and go straight to the teleporter Vulgrim.

Enter the cave snakes and go to the Crossroads. First, go northwest, destroy gems ice and retrieve the contents of the safe. Then enter the building in the middle and reach Stem Ardente. Cross the bridge, go see Samael and bring him the heart of Mantoptee.

After the discussion, you get a new ability and now you can slow down time for a few seconds.


Ditches (continued)

Then, swim underwater, enter the first drive on the left (look up) and go up to the surface. Jump over the water to reach the other side, climb the ledges and move right. Jump again to get a Wrath Shard in the chest then return destroy another gem ice. Finally, get a chest of souls in a conduit to the right, climb the ledge that leads to the path of the East and advance to face Mantoptée.

Boss: Mantoptee

The fight against Mantoptée is easy. First, you need to destroy gems ice blocking the path of the car platform. Pay attention to the light beam as it launches when it touches the gem, it can not be destroyed. Once the tracks are clear, move the tray giving it a punch with Gauntlets and so knock the monster. At this time, approach the heart of the rapidly Mantoptée and attack it with punches and powerful shots blades.

Thereafter, the green monster cites several creatures to attack you. This is the perfect time to fill your health meter because they have several souls in reserve. Eliminate them with the button that appears each time to fill the gauge and stay behind the plate to avoid the beam.

Then give the first punch to the plate to hit the show the first time, move away from the tray, wait for the reaction Mantoptée then give a second punch to knock him out. Always hit the center of the Mantoptée until the ice layer which protects the breaking. Then repeat this method and hit the heart of the Mantoptée until it is completed.


Finally, pull the lever of the third elevator to go up one level, move the object close to the grid and use it to pop up. Now, destroy the gem of ice in front and follow the path. Use the cable to cross the ravine, eliminate bugs and follow the road opposite. Complete the monsters arrive, go to the bottom and follow the left path. Down near the ravine on the right, break the ice gems and empty the water.

Now, first open a chest containing a map to the east and enter the large room emptied of water. Move left and up the stairs to the left. Activate the mechanism for moving a mobile platform, get off and push the tray rails. Enter into the cavity where the car and push on the mobile platform until the light turns green. Ascend the stairs again, activate the mechanism a second time to return the platform to its original position and will break the ice gems in front of the wagon. Finally, move the car in the tunnel with a shot Gauntlets, climb over to reach the demonic tumor in the wall and leave this place.

Then follow the hallway, break the ice rock and ignore the door on your right. Cross the ravine along the demonic tumors and thus return to the courtyard where you fought Mantoptée for the first time. Now you face a new monster who wields two blades. Attack with powerful combos, invoke the chaotic form as soon as possible and finish all enemies to unlock the doors.

Once the area is safe, open the door which is to the east and enter. Climb the stairs, take the contents of the safe and open the next door. Collect souls in another chest on the right, break the ice gems left and enter.

Dive into the water, approach the second cube on the left. Hit the crystal is under water and quickly climb on the block before it rises. When it rises, jump and glide to the next door to the north and enter.

Turn the gas pipes with the boomerang, enter the tunnel on the right to bring an inert bomb at the bottom and place it back on the fire gem. Turn the bomb, destroy gems and enter the next room.

Take a right chest, climb, cross the bridge and continue north to the next large room. Dive underwater, follow the path north and go up to the surface. Climb the ledges, using the current shadow to reach a ledge above and move left to reach the next room.

Now, destroy the ice gems that are around the room and reveal an inert bomb. Throw it on the fire gem near the entrance and use the boomerang to turn the gas pipes and bomb. You need to place you at an equal distance between your targets for the boomerang can target both. Jump on the edges that just appear, go to the bridge and destroy the gems of ice and then pull the lever near the entrance.

Now, get off and get a key to the observer in the trunk. Leave this place by taking the opposite path, continue to the tunnel that you took to get an inert bomb and use the key to unlock the door observer. Proceed through the hallway to the right until a giant monster appears and attacks you. Quickly press the button that appears to the counter and then return to the back of the tunnel and push the car to take it to the target. Then, go down the hall, enter through the breach of the right and join the next yard.

Now, eliminate the monsters that are attacking you to unlock the sealed roads and continue your quest. After the battle, first follow the path north, throw the boomerang on the bug that keeps the trunk and is the ceiling and open the two chests in the cellar.

Then return to the court and follow the path of the West. Go left of the tunnel, open a chest of souls and activate a lever. Go back to go on the other side, dive underwater and go up to the surface later.

In the next section, scroll down and destroy the gems of ice in the second drive on the left to increase the water level.


Move right, enter the hole in the ground and follow the path to the sewer pipe. Open a chest of souls along the way, follow the tunnel and up the stairs.


Follow the path that leads to a large courtyard, enter and prepare for the first game against the Mantoptée. Take the weapon Redemption ground, aim and shoot explosive loads at will. When planning its light beam, release the weapon avoid your enemy then resume shooting. Try to aim for his weak point that shines blue. After a few strokes, she fled.

Release the weapon, go to the bottom of the yard and retrieve the contents of the chest behind the statue. Next, locate the two doors that are on both sides of the court and first enter by the west.

Go ahead, take the contents of the safe and open the next door. Cross the ravine climbing demonic tumor, climb the stairs and open the left door.

Dive under water, remove fish and monsters enter a tunnel northwest. Get to the surface, climb the demonic tumors and activate the mechanism to turn on the gas pipe. Turn left at the second pipe with the boomerang down near the inert bomb in the middle and turn a third pipe located near a red gem. Start an inert bomb on the rock, dive again under water, approach the mechanism that you have pressed earlier and go right. Use the following two wires to cross, turn the bomb and remove the door.

Enter, go down the stairs and watch the hollow left. Dive into the water and retrieve an artifact ascend by the edges. Now, take the path of the corridor to the right of the stairs and eliminate the monsters that block the passage. Enter the door, go right and fight other enemies. Use the chaotic form to eliminate the big monster and then dive into the hole. Swim through the tunnel, complete fish and go up to the other end. Note the presence of a locked door with a blue spectrum, out of the water and dive into the other hole in the West.

Swim under the metal grid, move to a junction and take the first right. Get to the surface, grab Enhancement Reaper in the chest and back at the crossroads. Continue the path to the west, follow the canal and ascend to the surface later. Retrieve a Wrath Shard and souls in the two chests, activate the mechanism to stop the propeller and go back. Now, go over the metal grid, retrieve the key of the observer in the chest and back where is the door with the blue spectrum. Use the key to open the door and enter.

Down in the yard, break the chains of the green stone and get Gauntlets Shake. Now, you can break the ice gems with this secondary weapon.

Immediately after, you will be attacked by several monsters. Aggress first great monster, perform powerful combos and knock it twice to eliminate. Then, take care of the little monsters coming, make Capabilities Wrath and finish them. Then a second wave of enemies coming. Change to the Chaotic form if you can also collect the souls of health in a safe nearby if you are injured and finish this wave. As soon as it is safe, climb the ledges to the west and get the key to the observer in the trunk. Then climb the demonic tumor at the other end and unlock the door. Enter, destroy gems ice with Gauntlets Shake and dive underwater. Swim to the next area and go back in another large room.

First, climb the stairs to the left, move the object down and place it on the first lift. Activate the lever, place the object on the right edge and give a punch with the gauntlet to move the object to the second elevator. Then, activate the second lever and place properly the object close to the right edge. Step on the subject, jump and glide to the third lift. Locate an artifact in a cavity, recover and return to the lift. Now, turn the lever to lower the level of the third lift, return the second and give a punch to move the object.


Engage in a battle against the flying angels, perform aerial attacks and take the chaotic form as soon as the opportunity arises. Finish all the enemies coming, locate the counter dead at the top of the screen and try at all costs to exceed that of Ulthane. Once the area is secured first, follow your ally fortune will open a door and fight a second wave of angels. Then Ulthane you launch into a building. Take the tumor bomb, throw it on the pillar of the bridge and blow it. Immediately after, remove a guardian angel and take his weapon. This weapon is awesome, use it to blow up several waves of angels. When you see a short scene in which two guardian angels come to attack you, this mean that the checkpoint is near. Eliminate them to achieve it.

Then, follow the path of evil tumor, get a Wrath Shard in the chest and back. Down to the lower level of the ledge, jump to find Ulthane and follow it to the door. Get improved combat art, enter the door that just opened and ready to face a boss.

Boss: Uriel

The fight against Uriel is not complicated. When attacking a ball of energy appears around it. At this point, do a quick dodge and cons-attack with a powerful combo. Repeat this method two to three times and beat your enemy as well. After the fight, a cutscene in which Ulthane opens the door that leads to the Mantoptée occurs.